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Opening Concert // Beauty & Shame
Fr, 11.07.2025, 19:00 Uhr
Foto: Hilde van Mas

Christl // Voice, piano
Phil Mülleder // Piano
Jess Frank // Guitar
Mina Franzke // Bass, double bass
Gloria Handler // Drums

Christl is an artist not tied down by just one medium or genre. Be it audiovisual, artistic work or poetry – Christl blends all of them to create something wholly new and her own. She combines experimental soundscapes and driven, melancholic songs with her at times powerful, at times fragile voice. Her music is uncompromising, critical and confrontational. The release of her single “Object of Desire”, which deals with her own experience of sexual harassment, caused quite a stir. Not only on the streets of Vienna but also in the media across the country. In addition to her musical journey, Christl also published her first book in September 2023, “Ich glaube ich hasse mich” (I think I hate myself) with Hayman publishing. This writing process also inspired her debut album “Grün Blau Violett” (Green Blue Violet).

Supported by the SKE-Fonds

* Alternative venue in case of uncertain weather conditions: Lunzer Saal