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Beauty & Shame



As a member you support our
cultural work not only financially, but also ideally.

Don't you want to become a member of wellenklænge?

Für einen Jahresbeitrag von 35 Euro oder 70 Euro als förderndes Mitglied?

The tickets are 20% cheaper for you, you get the latest information about the festival, you are invited to think and to participate and you are also invited to our general assembly. There you can take a closer look at the association behind the wellenklaengen.

Ordentliches Mitglied: €35,- pro Jahr
• 20% off one ticket per event in advance
• 20% off a general pass
• 20% off all items at our merchandise booth: organic wine, t-shirts, bags, soulbottles and more.

Förderndes Mitglied: €70,- pro Jahr
• 20% off two tickets per event in advance
• 20% off two general passes
• 20% off all items at our merchandise booth: organic wine, t-shirts, bags, soulbottles and more.